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By keeping the transceiver on the side of your body, you reduce the chance of the signal being deflected by your shovel and pack contents if you are buried face down.


SKU: TSP1 Category:


Our avalanche Transceiver Pouch securely attaches to any of our Radio Chest Harnesses.

It keeps the transceiver away from your radio, greatly reducing that annoying “beep beep” during transmission. By keeping the transceiver on the side of your body, you reduce the chance of the signal being deflected by your shovel and pack contents if you are buried face down. The existing neck strap on the transceiver can be connected inside the pouch, increasing safety and security when using in receive mode.

Large enough to fit longer transceivers, such as the Ortovox M-1. Transceiver not included.

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Ikamotsiipi Carleton Rescue

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